by Jesus R . Duran , I I I , MD.
Serving Seniors will provide funding for assistance aimed at
improving health and quality of life for the millions of older adults living in Southern New Mexico..

by Jesus R . Duran , I I I , MD.
Serving Seniors will provide funding for assistance aimed at
improving health and quality of life for the millions of older adults living in Southern New Mexico..

About Us
Serving Seniors of Southern New Mexico was founded in 2023 by Dr. Jesus Duran based on the need of his patients for support, services and equipment while recognizing the lack of affordability and resources in our community. Due to the limitations of federal health insurance and state assistance, our older adults have nowhere to turn for support. His goal was to make sure that no older adult nor caregiver in need would have to suffer the limitations of losing independency.
How do we let the community know about the Fund?
- Social Media marketing and networking
- CFSNM Marketing and Events
- Hospitals, home health and nursing homes
social workers and case managers - Local Newspapers and magazines
- LC Hispanic and Chamber of Commerce
- Promotional and educational events
- Collaboration with local associations focused
on helping older adults. - Traditional marketing: Brochures.
- Email marketing

Our Team

Southwest Center on Aging Vice Chair

Provider, Southwest Center on Aging

Chief Operating Officer at RHSNM/ACHSNM

Mobile Integrated Healthcare/Las Cruces Fire Department
Jesus R. Duran. III, MD.
Founder and Board Chairman CEO Southwest Center on Aging